Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Celebratory Shenanigans

Sounds like everyone is all up in arms again about the Brewers walk off celebration on Sunday. Torii Hunter, who wasn't even involved in the game had some comments http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-angels-fyi8-2009sep08,0,4536898.story
Why would they throw at Fielder? It was clear that he had nothing to do with the planning. Hunter is obviously a bit slow in the head.

I just don't see what the big deal is. Are players not allowed to have fun once in a while? It's been a long season for Brewers players and fans, so it was nice for once to see an exciting finish. The fans and players left happy and that's what really matters. It just doesn't seem like other teams gel the same as the Brewers, so maybe they are a bit jealous of the comradery? I can see being a bit upset if they did this in the opposing teams park, but it was at home at Miller Park.

There hasn't been a whole lot to celebrate this year, so I enjoyed it. Especially after that shitty home stand. Even if this team sucks walk offs are still fun.

UPDATE: After watching this again it does appear that Fielder was in on the planning. For whatever reason the first time I watched it didn't look that way. It really doesn't matter either way except that Fielder will probably get plunked.


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