Monday, August 24, 2009


Parra returned to his erratic self yesterday. I think it was again back to being a head case. He just can't handle being behind early. Shoddy defense nearly put this game out of reach in the first inning. Normally sure handed Counsell and Escobar both missed balls. I think hanging an error on Escobar for the high throw from Parra was kinda bullshit. He probably should have held on, but someone was barrelling into second. I do enjoy Escobars crazy mid air David Lee Roth splits.

What was with Bourgeois and Escobar trying to bunt for hits when they were down by 7? That's not the time to be manufacturing runs. Hit the fucking ball.

I hope Escobar doesn't get into the mode of over swinging. I'd rather see him be hitting for average until he fills in a bit more. It was nice to see the home run though. J.J. who?

I'm surprised it took that long for Braun to get ejected. He barks at the home plate umpires plenty. I guess it's normally while he's walking away, so that's probably the difference. You OBVIOUSLY, can't go rocketing your helmet into the ground.

Bourgeois, Cameron and Gerut... What an awesome oufield. (for little league) I see Cameron is back to his old striking out self after the one good game.

Weird 3pm game today. Maybe we can get a series win. The Nationals can really hit, too bad they are a whole pitching staff away from doing anything. (Kinda like us!)

Get your Melvin Bobble Head this year. It may be a collectors item sooner than you think.


Garcia said...

I like how one of the headlines at jsonline states: "Rotation finally back intact" as if all problems of the crappy pitching have been solved. Look out Cards, we've got Dave Bush and Jeff Suppan back!!

Clown said...

No shit. Like thats the solution to all the pitching problems. I am glad to see Bush back, he was pretty solid until he got hurt.

I can't believe we have Suppan for ANOTHER year.

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