Wednesday, August 26, 2009

IPhone - Bum App

There was a commercial last night for an IPhone app called Bump. The first time I heard it I thought it was a "bum" app. Not an app for the terrible B.U.M clothing line from the 80's, but an actual app that assisted with hoboism. I was disappointed to say the least when I found out it was some stupid contact transfer app. I have decided that I'm totally going to develop a bum app. Some of the features I was kicking around include:

1. Bean situation calculator - This will tell the hobo user if he has had enough beans that day. It can also locate other hobos that may have beans to share.

2. Train schedule - This would only show trains that have been reported to have open doors for entry.

3. hobo Symbol converter - Take the guess work out of the illiterate hobo symbol code. Just take a picture of the symbol and this will convert it into an audible answer in broken toothless mumbling hobo english.

4. Stick and Bindle maker - Kinda like a PDF maker except this will show you how to build a stick and bindle out of things you may find on the road and in nature.

5. Flame - This will show a flame on the screen to keep you warm at night when a burning barrel is not available.

6. Scruffy Dog Determination - Take a picture of a scruffy dog and this will let you know if it will make a good companion.

7. Tooth Counter - This will track the number of teeth you have lost from eating hard beans. The average hobo loses 3 teeth per day.

8. Jason Kendall photo viewer - This will be loaded with all kinds of Kendall pictures. No Bum app would be complete without this.

The Bum App from Apple & only for the iPhone…


Steve Jobs said...

Do you have a patent for this Bum App?

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