Friday, October 16, 2009

Milk steaks

Sunny last night was awesome. My favorite part had to be when they were trying to set up a profile for Charlie and they asked him his favorite food ("milk steaks"), hobbies, and likes and dislikes (dislikes - knees). I forget all of the particulars, but I laughed my ass off at this whole scene.

The date itself was really funny too. The philanthropist/fullonrapist joke was ruined for me after seeing all the various previews for this season and episode so I knew it was coming. I should probably just stop watching previews all together. Speaking of which, next weeks with the Phillies whatever-the-fuck mascot vs. Greenman.


Clown said...

His likes were "ghouls".

The part in Charlies aparment when he was smoking the bee hive was awesome.

Dennis - "I already told you there is no honey in a hornets nest"

Charlie - "There's no science behind that"

Dennis "There's plenty of basic science. Actually it's more like just fact"

Charlie - "Let me slap this H on the box so we know it's hornets"

The end was awesome too when he handed the guy the box and you could hear the bees buzzing.

Chorenzo said...

Ghouls! Little green ghouls! Can't believe I forgot that. Do you remember his hobby?

I need to watch this episode again. This episode in particular felt too short to me.

Anonymous said...

Milk steak marinade

-Mr. Del Taco

Chorenzo said...

That sounds totally horrible. They left out the side of jelly beans too.

Clown said...

I think his hobby was magnets. Not collecting them, just magnets.

"Im gonna keep working on this. There might be something else that Wasps make that is delicious"

Chorenzo said...

You're right. I need to take notes next week. Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that the Waitress is Charlie's wife in real life.

-Mr. Del Taco

Chorenzo said...

According to Glenn Howerton (Dennis) they had a part where Charlie explains what a milksteak is:

Charlie responds: "It's a steak boiled in milk and honey". I don't know why we cut that. Pacing I think. Anyway that's what a milksteak is.

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