Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reality Check

When the hitting is there, the pitching is not and vise versa. When the offense scores 7 runs against a team as shitty as the Pirates you shouldn't have any trouble winning. Mike Burns is clearly not the answer to the pitching hole. Do we go and drop our best minor league talent on an ace when the hitting is this inconsistent?

I think it might be time to face the reality that this probably isn't the team that will take us to as Craig Counsell put it "Fun games in October". Thus, I don't feel it is worth it to dump any more minor league talent on a pitcher that will not have the run support to get it done. Teams with 4 players in the starting lineup batting at or below .260 usually aren't going anywhere. (see my mid season report)

I'm not giving up. I'm just being realistic and I'd rather not see us trade anymore away. I think it's time to ride this out to the end and see where it goes. I know Dillard has had issues when brought up in the past, but it's time for him to sink or swim. He's earned that chance.

If you can't pull away from the mediocre pack that is the central div. then you have no business in the playoffs and you sure as hell won't be winning the Wild Card.


Lance's Other Nut said...

100% agree

Garcia said...

Can we still get rid of Corey Hart please? Trade him to Oakland along with some other minor leaguer for Mr. Holliday... please, please

Don't Panic We Have Leskanic said...

Agreed. On all fronts. Would love to see Corey Hart in any other uniform by the end of next week.

On a side note, anyone listen to 1250 this morning? They had a great idea about having Bill Hall beer night at any local bar. The concept is that you pay Hall's average that night for a bottle of beer. That way we can at least cheer for Hall to suck! Stay under the Mendoza line and we pay less than $2 per beer. It's a lose-win situation.

Clown said...

At this point I would rather see Catalanotto than Hart. If only to hear The Outfield - Your Love instead of some cousin porking trailer music.

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