Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Looper Is solid in 4 hit win

A nice win last night with Looper going 7 strong backed up by some great defense. As much as I've ripped on Cameron recently that was a pretty sweet diving catch that probably saved the game. Braun also had a now-signature sliding grab and Counsell with an awesome pick and off balance throw with Prince digging it out.

Fielder was clutch again scoring Counsell twice. Where would be without him this year? Scary.

Lopez left the game with some type of hamstring issue. I doubt that he will be in the lineup today as it is an early day game. Gamel may be back up sooner than anyone thought.


NUBS said...

Don't forget the 1-2-3 9th from Trevor. HELLS BELLS road tour 09 continues.

That was an all around good win last night. Lopez leaving was the only down side. let's hope it isn't anything too serious.

Lance's Other Nut said...

As long as we just keep playing hard I have no issue for not going hard after pitching as the Blue Jays are just going to see if some club is stupid enough to offer them more than what was already offered for Halladay...

The CC result we got last year will not happen again. But we better deal Hart this offseason...I know I am not as savvy as a fan as a lot of people that read this/CH but just my two cents.

NUBS said...

If you google “Dave Kerwin” the made up pitching coach referenced by Jason Kendell the other night you come up with some funny stuff.

Check out some of the new t-shirts pirate fans are selling:

Clown said...

What a bunch of tools. Real inventive sayings there. I think I'm going to make some Kendall shirts. Something about Kendall beating Dave Kerwin with a can of baked beans.

Lance's Other Nut said...

I think only good things will come from a Dave Kerwin/hobo situation

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