Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good luck Big-Red

I can't say that I was surprised when I heard that Seth McClung was non-tendered, but I was definitely disappointed. Seth always seemed to give everything he had whenever called upon. He also genuinely liked Milwaukee and the fans. Seth became a fan favorite for his condor and excitement both on and off the field. One time in particular that I will never forget is when Braun hit the bomb in 2008 that catapulted us into the playoffs. Seth could be seen running around going ape shit in the bullpen. That was a real reaction, from a real guy, that really cared about this team. It's amazing that of all the highlights in 2008 that sticks in my head.

I wish you the best of luck where ever you land. If and when you return to Miller Park myself and many others will be on our feet.


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